the Presence Point

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Exploring Creative Process: A Shambhala Arts Workshop

Without seeing things as they are, it is hard to create art. Our perceptions are obscured and our mind is not fresh, so making art becomes a troubled, futile process by which we’re trying to create something based on concept.     ~ Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

Shambhala Art can be seen as a process, a product, and an arts education program. As a process, it brings wakefulness and awareness to the creative and viewing processes through the integration of contemplation and meditation. As a product, it is art that wakes us up.

In this 5-hour exploration, Shambhala Art Teacher Sarah Lipton will share both the perspective of creating “art” from the basis of true perception, as well as guide a couple of creative processes for participants to taste first-hand what this means.

Come if you are curious about creating from genuine presence. Come if you are interested in exploding your preconceptions about creativity! This is not an "art" workshop, it is an exploration of the senses, an​d a deepening of our understanding about what creative process is really about. Come if you are longing to engage creative process and learn more about who you are as a creative person.

Preregistration is required. Click here!

Sarah Lipton is a local teacher, writer, podcaster and owner of The Presence Point, the business through which she guides leaders to unlock their innate creativity, connect with their vision, and manifest with inspiration. She has been on the Shambhala journey for almost 20 years and lives with her family in Calais, VT.

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