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the Presence Point

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Montpelier, VT

Meditation in Everyday Life

46 Barre Street Montpelier, VT


Meditation in Everyday Life

with Sarah Lipton & Nikki Jiraff

October 4th—November 1st

By making a deep connection to the present moment and understanding our mind through the practice of meditation, we learn to make friends with ourselves…

This course offers the meditator’s instruction manual. Learn how to overcome obstacles to strengthening your mind in this 5-week course. By the end you’ll be equipped with tools to establish your own meditation practice.

Experience what happens when we stop avoiding ourselves and the present moment and practice simply being with whatever is going on in our lives. Learn to cultivate courage and stability in the daily complexities of jobs, responsibilities, relationships, and the everyday desires, concerns and uncertainties we all face. This is the 1st class in the Way of Shambhala curriculum. It offers a glimpse of the Shambhala vision of an enlightened society created through mindfulness-awareness meditation, showcasing how the stability and wisdom cultivated through this practice can expand to benefit the world around us.

*In addition to the program fee, there are two recommended books we invite you to purchase for the class (both books are available in the Shambhala Center bookstore and through all major booksellers):

Turning the Mind Into An Ally, by Sakyong Mipham
Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, by Chögyam Trungpa

Class description:

Class 1: Introduction to Meditation: Basic Goodness and Becoming Familiar with Equanimity
Class 2: Using Mindfulness and Awareness to Gather the Mind and Work with Emotions
Class 3: Overcoming the Obstacles to Meditation
Class 4: Willing to Open: The Genuine Heart
Class 5: Meditation as a Transformational Tool for Society

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